Friday, March 15, 2013

Recipe: Iced Coffee

Today, I thought I'd share a little barista knowledge with you, how to make amazing iced coffee. The when you make this, you don't "burn" any caffeine off of the beans using scalding water. So, it's about 3x the amount of a normal cup of coffee. What I'm saying is, don't drink it on an empty stomach and don't drink loads of it unless you plan on hating your life and then dying. Just kidding. BUT it will give you a killer stomach ache if you drink like 20 ounces of it. Hello, Shakes. DRINK IN MODERATION PEOPLE. One of the benefits is it's less acidic and so smooth and amazing. It also keeps for about a week in the fridge so you can grab a glass on your way to work or class all week! ENJOY!!

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